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Toute marchandise non classée dans l’IDTF est interdite dans des contenants transportant des produits destinés à l’alimentation des animaux
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Autres produits dérivés de ruminants (voir description)

Numéro IDTF


Transport routier
Régime de nettoyage minimal Liste des différences
Exigences importantes
  • If any future consignment is a raw material or compound feed intended for livestock other than fur animals OR if any future consignment is a raw material or compound feed whose destination / target species is unknown

Vehicles or containers which have previously been used for the transport of products listed in this IDTF number may subsequently be used for the transport of animal feed intended for livestock other than fur animals provided that they have been previously cleaned - to avoid cross-contamination - according to a documented cleaning procedure approved by the competent authority.

  • If the following shipment(s) is(are) raw materials or compound feed intended for fur-bearing animals

-> If IDTF number 10153 concerns a dry product, then the minimum cleaning regime is A.

-> If IDTF number 10153 concerns a wet or liquid product, then the minimum cleaning regime is B.

Exceptions for AIC:

Prohibited, no reassignment procedure authorized.

Exceptions for pastus+:

Cleansing regimen D.

Exceptions for Qualimat:

  • Regarding raw materials:

Prohibited, no reassignment procedure authorized.

  • There is no reassignment procedure authorized by the competent authority.

Concerns feed materials containing products derived from ruminants other than
(a) milk, milk-based products, milk-derived products, colostrum and colostrum products
(b) dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin
( c) hydrolyzed proteins derived from ruminant hides and skins.

Produits apparentés

Protéines hydrolysées dérivées de ruminants (à l'exception des cuirs et des peaux) (9.6.1)
Produits sanguins dérivés de ruminants ou d'origine inconnue (9.8.1)
Cholestérol issu de la graisse de laine (9.17.1)


Tombe dans le champ d'application du RE (EG) no. 999/2001, Annexe IV; Chapitre V, Sect B, 1 et 2

Date de publication


Date d’application obligatoire


Numéro IDTF


Transport fluvial
Régime de nettoyage minimal Interdit

Concerns feed materials containing products derived from ruminants other than
(a) milk, milk-based products, milk-derived products, colostrum and colostrum products
(b) dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin
( c) hydrolyzed proteins derived from ruminant hides and skins.

Produits apparentés

Protéines hydrolysées dérivées de ruminants (à l'exception des cuirs et des peaux) (9.6.1)
Produits sanguins dérivés de ruminants ou d'origine inconnue (9.8.1)
Cholestérol issu de la graisse de laine (9.17.1)

Date de publication


Date d’application obligatoire


Marchandise non trouvée Cette marchandise n’est pas trouvés dans ce module