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All products, not classified in the IDTF, are forbidden as loads for means of transport transporting products used for animal feed.
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Compost from DOMESTIC waste of vegetables, fruit and garden

IDTF number


Road transport
Minimum cleaning regime List of differences
AIC cleaning regime Forbidden load
EFISC-GTP cleaning regime The operator can chose the cleaning regime accordingly to the ones requested by the other schemes owner
GMP+ cleaning regime (D) Cleaning and disinfection
Ovocom cleaning regime (D) Cleaning and disinfection
pastus+ cleaning regime Forbidden load
QS cleaning regime Forbidden load
Qualimat cleaning regime (D) Cleaning and disinfection

GFT compost


When there is clearly vegetable compost obtained solely from wood cuttings, plant (remains), hedge clippings, leaves, grass and roadside mowings then cleaning B applies. This must be specifically indicated when issuing the order.

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Mandatory from


IDTF number


Inland waterway

GFT compost

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