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All products, not classified in the IDTF, are forbidden as loads for means of transport transporting products used for animal feed.
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Soapstocks of vegetable origin (non food/ non feed) and process water from splitting soapstocks of vegetable origin and residues of edible oils and fats

IDTF number


Road transport
Minimum cleaning regime (C) Cleaning with water and a cleansing agent

Soapstocks: a complex combination of aqueous alkali salts of fatty acids, proteins, neutral vegetable-oil, phospholipids, and other impurities produced by the treatment of vegetable-oil with dilute aqueous alkali.
Process water from splitting soapstocks: water which is released at the splitting of soapstocks and residues of edible oils and fats, to which water is added to facilitate the process of vacuuming. This water contains high levels of sulphate and has a pH of 6.

EURAL code

02 03 99

Publish date


Mandatory from


IDTF number


Inland waterway

Soapstocks: a complex combination of aqueous alkali salts of fatty acids, proteins, neutral vegetable-oil, phospholipids, and other impurities produced by the treatment of vegetable-oil with dilute aqueous alkali.
Process water from splitting soapstocks: water which is released at the splitting of soapstocks and residues of edible oils and fats, to which water is added to facilitate the process of vacuuming. This water contains high levels of sulphate and has a pH of 6.

EURAL code

02 03 99

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