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All products, not classified in the IDTF, are forbidden as loads for means of transport transporting products used for animal feed.
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Premixes in liquid form with added veterinary drugs

IDTF number


Road transport
Minimum cleaning regime (B) Cleaning with water

The specified cleaning instructions only apply when the manufacturer can show that the end feed remains under the total carry-over norms (factory carry-over including the carry-over during transport). For the carry-over of nicarbazine/sulpha´s during transport 0.03% may be assumed if use is made of a bulk tanker where the compartments are pressurised during unloading. If a company is unable to show that the end feed remains under the total carry-over norms then a very penetrating and strict cleaning procedure should be used. It must be demonstrated with very clear documentation in what manner the carry-over is controlled (for example by way of flush batches).

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Mandatory from


IDTF number


Inland waterway
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