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All products, not classified in the IDTF, are forbidden as loads for means of transport transporting products used for animal feed.
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Animal fats of category 3

IDTF number


Road transport
Minimum cleaning regime (C) Cleaning with water and a cleansing agent
Important requirements

The following exceptions apply for GMP+: In the case of liquid bulk transport it is almost always the case that there are residues after unloading and therefore, under a strict interpretation of the GMP+ standard, it must always be wet cleaned. In practice it appears that dry cleaning is sufficient on the basis of an own HACCP assessment. If a truck with residues of liquid feed material is to be loaded for another client then this should be agreed bilaterally with the client or it may occur after a cleaning frequency to be agreed.

Exemption OVOCOM and GMP+
"Cleaning after a transport of a product listed in this IDTF No. is not mandatory when all of following re-quirements are met:
1. The next load belongs to the same batch and is feed grade;
2. A representative dioxin analysis must accompany the batch;
3. The bulk tanker is properly drained;
4. This exemption from cleaning must be approved in writing by the company that receives the product. The instructing party must confirm to the transport operator that the exemption can be applied;
5. This exemption from cleaning must not lead to an increase in chemical, microbiological and/or physical risks for transport-ed feed and must be in-cluded in the risk-assessment of transport company and documented;
6. The time between the 2 following loads must be taken into account in the risk assessment. The cleaning must be frequent."


Falls under the scope of Reg. (EG) nr. 1069/2009.

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Mandatory from


IDTF number


Inland waterway
Minimum cleaning regime (D) Cleaning and disinfection
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Mandatory from


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